Episode 33 – Claudia Peterson
Currently the Assistant Technical Director at The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Arts in Hollywood CA, Claudia Peterson joins the podcast to discuss her path in the industry and how she has dealt with the sexism that still exists.
Currently the Assistant Technical Director at The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Arts in Hollywood CA, Claudia Peterson joins the podcast to discuss her path in the industry and how she has dealt with the sexism that still exists.

Episode 32 – Counter Weight Rigging with the ESA
Our simulcast with the Event Safety Alliance on Counter Weight Rigging! Host Danielle Hernandez and Ethan talk about counter weight rigging and a few things to consider when we are allowed back on stage.
Event Safety Alliance - https://www.eventsafetyalliance.org/
Our simulcast with the Event Safety Alliance on Counter Weight Rigging! Host Danielle Hernandez and Ethan talk about counter weight rigging and a few things to consider when we are allowed back on stage.
Event Safety Alliance - https://www.eventsafetyalliance.org/

Episode 31 – Brain Leister
From starting his rigging career at a national corporation with 892 venues (think bread sticks), to working for Disney, to his current role as Senior Technical Trainer at the most well know electric hoist manufacturer (CM), Brian Leister talks about his journey, the usefulness of rope access training, and the awesome CM training facility at Rock Lititz. And a NEW “regular” question makes its debut!
CM at Rock Lititz - https://training.cmworks.com/pages/rock-lititz
From starting his rigging career at a national corporation with 892 venues (think bread sticks), to working for Disney, to his current role as Senior Technical Trainer at the most well know electric hoist manufacturer (CM), Brian Leister talks about his journey, the usefulness of rope access training, and the awesome CM training facility at Rock Lititz. And a NEW “regular” question makes its debut!
CM at Rock Lititz - https://training.cmworks.com/pages/rock-lititz

Episode 30 - Tyler Delong
Duel ETCP certified Rigger Tyler Delong of Delong Rigging Solutions spends some time discussing his experience touring with Broadway shows such as Mama Mia, The Adams Family, Blue Man Group, & Feld Entertainment. Most recently he and his father started Delong Rigging Solutions and has been producing “One shot Training” which are short topic specific videos teaching rigging concepts for beginners.
Delong Rigging Solutions - https://www.delongriggingsolutions.com/
Lankey & Limey Ltd OSHA training - https://llltd.events/osha/
Duel ETCP certified Rigger Tyler Delong of Delong Rigging Solutions spends some time discussing his experience touring with Broadway shows such as Mama Mia, The Adams Family, Blue Man Group, & Feld Entertainment. Most recently he and his father started Delong Rigging Solutions and has been producing “One shot Training” which are short topic specific videos teaching rigging concepts for beginners.
Delong Rigging Solutions - https://www.delongriggingsolutions.com/
Lankey & Limey Ltd OSHA training - https://llltd.events/osha/

Episode 29 – Paul Rubin
From the Tony Award winning Broadway production of Wicked to Cathy Rigby's Emmy Award winning DVD of Peter Pan and everything in between, aerial choreographer “The Fly Guy” Paul Rubin has created some of the most memorable aerial performance pieces of the last 3 decades. We discuss his journey from starting at Flying By Foy and then co-founding ZFX Flying Effects, to his current role as an aerial choreographer where we talk about the challenges of creating flight beyond just the hardware of rope and pulleys.
The Fly Guy web site - https://www.theflyguy.com
From the Tony Award winning Broadway production of Wicked to Cathy Rigby's Emmy Award winning DVD of Peter Pan and everything in between, aerial choreographer “The Fly Guy” Paul Rubin has created some of the most memorable aerial performance pieces of the last 3 decades. We discuss his journey from starting at Flying By Foy and then co-founding ZFX Flying Effects, to his current role as an aerial choreographer where we talk about the challenges of creating flight beyond just the hardware of rope and pulleys.
The Fly Guy web site - https://www.theflyguy.com

Episode 28 – Tony Bonilla
Owner of BNW rigging and all-around great person Tony Bonilla joins us to talk about rigging in the big city of New York. From being a great box pusher and rigging for the circus to creative problem solving installing 4 ton window shades in a venue in Manhattan, Tony shares some great stories and some bad jokes.
BNW social media - https://www.facebook.com/BNWRigger
The Shed in NYC - https://theshed.org/about/building
Owner of BNW rigging and all-around great person Tony Bonilla joins us to talk about rigging in the big city of New York. From being a great box pusher and rigging for the circus to creative problem solving installing 4 ton window shades in a venue in Manhattan, Tony shares some great stories and some bad jokes.
BNW social media - https://www.facebook.com/BNWRigger
The Shed in NYC - https://theshed.org/about/building

Episode 27 - Brian Reed
Working for Disney, the $130 Billion dollar corporation, certainly has its perks. But your average green horn rigger does not just roll out of bed and start re-rigging a fully functional replica of the first American ship to circumnavigate the globe. There are a few “stops” along the way. In this weeks episode we talk to Brian Reed, stage hand, rigger, and rope access technician who discusses his journey from being an assistant stage manager, working on the Queen Mary two, rigging special FX shows in Las Vegas, and working for ZFX where he learned to fly people. He also gives us a peak behind the vail of the world’s most well-known mega theme park.
Working for Disney, the $130 Billion dollar corporation, certainly has its perks. But your average green horn rigger does not just roll out of bed and start re-rigging a fully functional replica of the first American ship to circumnavigate the globe. There are a few “stops” along the way. In this weeks episode we talk to Brian Reed, stage hand, rigger, and rope access technician who discusses his journey from being an assistant stage manager, working on the Queen Mary two, rigging special FX shows in Las Vegas, and working for ZFX where he learned to fly people. He also gives us a peak behind the vail of the world’s most well-known mega theme park.

Episode 26 – Patrick Santini
Ever think you would hear truss compared to milk? Well now you can. This week’s guest, Patrick Santini, CEO and founder of Modtruss talks about what makes Modtruss different than the traditional truss we use in the entertainment industry. We discuss how he started the company, some of the challenges of breaking into an already established market, some of the projects he is proudest of, and much much more!
Modtruss web site - https://www.modtruss.com/
Moving the Berlin Wall in NYC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uytfCzeRRVo
Ever think you would hear truss compared to milk? Well now you can. This week’s guest, Patrick Santini, CEO and founder of Modtruss talks about what makes Modtruss different than the traditional truss we use in the entertainment industry. We discuss how he started the company, some of the challenges of breaking into an already established market, some of the projects he is proudest of, and much much more!
Modtruss web site - https://www.modtruss.com/
Moving the Berlin Wall in NYC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uytfCzeRRVo

Episode 25 – Jonathan Deull
From being born in a trunk at the Princess Theater in Pocatello Idaho to founding LISTON Flying Trapeze in New Windsor New York with his daughter, Jonathan Deull dons his waders as we journey into the weeds on performer flying, circus rigging, chandeliers falling around masked opera singers, and a whole lot more.
E1.43-2016 Perform Flying Systems - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/documents/published_docs.php
LISTO Flying Trapeze facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/listoflyingtrapeze
From being born in a trunk at the Princess Theater in Pocatello Idaho to founding LISTON Flying Trapeze in New Windsor New York with his daughter, Jonathan Deull dons his waders as we journey into the weeds on performer flying, circus rigging, chandeliers falling around masked opera singers, and a whole lot more.
E1.43-2016 Perform Flying Systems - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/documents/published_docs.php
LISTO Flying Trapeze facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/listoflyingtrapeze

Episode 24 – Rick Montgomery
Motion Labs VP of Eastern US & Canadian sales Rick Montgomery smartens up our host about chain hoist control and other related topics. Rick shares with us his top items to check on every controller, a few tricks and tips, and of course some laughs.
Motion Labs web site - https://www.motionlabs.com/
Motion Labs VP of Eastern US & Canadian sales Rick Montgomery smartens up our host about chain hoist control and other related topics. Rick shares with us his top items to check on every controller, a few tricks and tips, and of course some laughs.
Motion Labs web site - https://www.motionlabs.com/

Episode 23 – Andy Schmitz
New England Center for Circus Arts Facilities Manager & Rigger, Andy Schmitz joins us to talk about his start in theatre, his first time operating a fly system, & working for Las Vegas “Spectacle“ shows. We discuss counter weight rigging and if it is a lost art and has new technology replaced the need for older methods? We also spent some time talking about aerial performance and the rigging used for it.
Zephyr Feryok study of carabiner fatigue - http://itrsonline.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Zephyr_Carabiner-Fatigue.pdf
New England Center for Circus Arts Facilities Manager & Rigger, Andy Schmitz joins us to talk about his start in theatre, his first time operating a fly system, & working for Las Vegas “Spectacle“ shows. We discuss counter weight rigging and if it is a lost art and has new technology replaced the need for older methods? We also spent some time talking about aerial performance and the rigging used for it.
Zephyr Feryok study of carabiner fatigue - http://itrsonline.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Zephyr_Carabiner-Fatigue.pdf

Episode 22 – CAN - the collaborative artists network
This week we change things up a little. Two previous guests,
David Carmack and Meredith Moseley-Bennett bring their partner Jennifer Wilson to the mic to talk about their new endeavor, The Collaborative Artists Network also known as C.A.N. which they hope to develop into an online community to assist people with everything from training (rigging, electrics, wardrobe, etc.) to access to life coaches who can help anyone who is struggling with the fall out of the pandemic.
C.A.N. Website - https://artists-can.com/home
C.A.N. Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/artistsCANconnect2020
This week we change things up a little. Two previous guests,
David Carmack and Meredith Moseley-Bennett bring their partner Jennifer Wilson to the mic to talk about their new endeavor, The Collaborative Artists Network also known as C.A.N. which they hope to develop into an online community to assist people with everything from training (rigging, electrics, wardrobe, etc.) to access to life coaches who can help anyone who is struggling with the fall out of the pandemic.
C.A.N. Website - https://artists-can.com/home
C.A.N. Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/artistsCANconnect2020

Episode 21 – Mike Garl
ESTA board member and Technical Standards Committee member Mike Garl spends some time with us to discuss his part in bringing James Thomas Engineering truss manufacturing to Knoxville TN, his time at Tomcat, and his involvement as a board member of ESTA and a member of the TSP, which oversees the process if creating ANSI standards for the entertainment industry.
TSP website where you can download FREE ANSI standards! - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/index.html
ESTA board member and Technical Standards Committee member Mike Garl spends some time with us to discuss his part in bringing James Thomas Engineering truss manufacturing to Knoxville TN, his time at Tomcat, and his involvement as a board member of ESTA and a member of the TSP, which oversees the process if creating ANSI standards for the entertainment industry.
TSP website where you can download FREE ANSI standards! - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/index.html

Episode 20 – Mark Witteveen
Senior Project Manager (and founder) of
The Chicago Flyhouse Inc
Mark Witteveen joins us to talk about avoiding high school classes by doing theatre, starting Flyhouse in 1998 and getting involved in performer flying. We also discuss early automation and areas that need improvement. We even talk about how Wii remotes influenced automated rigging and why user thoughts and opinions are important in standard writing.
Chicago Flyhouse web site - https://www.flyhouse.com/
Senior Project Manager (and founder) of
The Chicago Flyhouse Inc
Mark Witteveen joins us to talk about avoiding high school classes by doing theatre, starting Flyhouse in 1998 and getting involved in performer flying. We also discuss early automation and areas that need improvement. We even talk about how Wii remotes influenced automated rigging and why user thoughts and opinions are important in standard writing.
Chicago Flyhouse web site - https://www.flyhouse.com/

Episode 19 - Rigger Roundtable with Alex Kennedy, Paul “Luke” Lewkowicz, and David Neone.

Episode 18 – Joe Champelli
Vice President of Entertainment Project Services, Joe Champelli shares his journey through entertainment rigging and automation with stories from his first job installing the Pirate Show at Treasure Island in Las Vegas to his current position working with clients such as large theme parks in Anaheim California. We also discuss his involvement with submitting the original request to the ESTA Technical Standards Program to create the Performer Flying Systems standard, ANSI E1.43-2016.
Entertainment Project Services - https://www.entprojects.com/
The dropped object experiment - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7DDsCP6y8k
Download ANSI E1.43-2016 from the TSP site - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/documents/published_docs.php
Vice President of Entertainment Project Services, Joe Champelli shares his journey through entertainment rigging and automation with stories from his first job installing the Pirate Show at Treasure Island in Las Vegas to his current position working with clients such as large theme parks in Anaheim California. We also discuss his involvement with submitting the original request to the ESTA Technical Standards Program to create the Performer Flying Systems standard, ANSI E1.43-2016.
Entertainment Project Services - https://www.entprojects.com/
The dropped object experiment - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7DDsCP6y8k
Download ANSI E1.43-2016 from the TSP site - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/documents/published_docs.php

Episode 17 – Jon Sharpe
United Staging & Rigging President and Owner Jon Sharpe joins us today to talk about the history of USR and the process of going from a truck driver to a business owner. We discuss some of the new services and their new “Big Tool” they use for custom solutions for the clients as well as some of their higher profile and challenging projects. We also talk about the benefits USR has seen as a member and sponsor of the Event Safety Alliance.
USR website - https://www.unitedstaging.com/
USR on FOLLOW ME - https://youcanfollow.me/UnitedStaging?fbclid=IwAR1dsV34SYMqAC4P8i70AKzaxd82U7Ky0Y8ZISc9x9XfNymXaBqPoleSdWw
The EVENT SAFETY ALLIANCE - https://www.eventsafetyalliance.org/
United Staging & Rigging President and Owner Jon Sharpe joins us today to talk about the history of USR and the process of going from a truck driver to a business owner. We discuss some of the new services and their new “Big Tool” they use for custom solutions for the clients as well as some of their higher profile and challenging projects. We also talk about the benefits USR has seen as a member and sponsor of the Event Safety Alliance.
USR website - https://www.unitedstaging.com/
USR on FOLLOW ME - https://youcanfollow.me/UnitedStaging?fbclid=IwAR1dsV34SYMqAC4P8i70AKzaxd82U7Ky0Y8ZISc9x9XfNymXaBqPoleSdWw
The EVENT SAFETY ALLIANCE - https://www.eventsafetyalliance.org/

Episode 16 – Dave Carmack
Arguably the most knowledge single person (or persons if you include his evil alter ego DAVID) on hoists used withing the entertainment rigging industry, Dave Carmack joins us to discuss everything hoist related. We start with his career of 42 years at CM where he worked in every department from manufacturing, to engineering, to training. We also cover what he is doing today, his thoughts on what the most common myths about hoists are, and what we as an industry should be looking to do in the future.
Dave’s company Carmack Consulting - https://davecarmackconsulting.com/
The company facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/davehoistexpert/
Registration for September online training - https://davecarmackconsulting.com/ols/products/motor-technician-training-program-september-1-2?fbclid=IwAR0cFiv1fPFtVfCaKWAI2o6Ndb28334Ety082D8EDJX6wd2tZW0HrKWoO68
ESTA Technical Standards Program and FREE ANSI standards - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/index.html
Arguably the most knowledge single person (or persons if you include his evil alter ego DAVID) on hoists used withing the entertainment rigging industry, Dave Carmack joins us to discuss everything hoist related. We start with his career of 42 years at CM where he worked in every department from manufacturing, to engineering, to training. We also cover what he is doing today, his thoughts on what the most common myths about hoists are, and what we as an industry should be looking to do in the future.
Dave’s company Carmack Consulting - https://davecarmackconsulting.com/
The company facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/davehoistexpert/
Registration for September online training - https://davecarmackconsulting.com/ols/products/motor-technician-training-program-september-1-2?fbclid=IwAR0cFiv1fPFtVfCaKWAI2o6Ndb28334Ety082D8EDJX6wd2tZW0HrKWoO68
ESTA Technical Standards Program and FREE ANSI standards - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/index.html

Episode 15 – Elmer Veith
Live (well, almost) from Atlanta and Pensacola, Sales & Marketing executive at Reliable Design Elmer Veith joins us to talk truss and some of the finer details about how why it is used. And of course, there are some fun stories along the way including a distant memory of the first time he and Ethan worked together.
Reliable design - https://www.rds-web.com/
12” truss load chart - https://www.rds-web.com/assets/files/RDS-BP12%20Load%20Table.pdf
Live (well, almost) from Atlanta and Pensacola, Sales & Marketing executive at Reliable Design Elmer Veith joins us to talk truss and some of the finer details about how why it is used. And of course, there are some fun stories along the way including a distant memory of the first time he and Ethan worked together.
Reliable design - https://www.rds-web.com/
12” truss load chart - https://www.rds-web.com/assets/files/RDS-BP12%20Load%20Table.pdf

Episode 14 – Chris Schmidt
Stage Rigging Inc. VP and General Manager Chris Schmidt joins us today and discusses how he started working for Rocky Paulson’s company when he was in high school, his view on what we need to do better within the entertainment rigging industry, some fun rigging overseas, a little financial advice, and of course his best/worst rigger joke. Oh, and don’t forget, TAKE A ROPE!
Stage Rigging Inc. website - http://www.stage-rigging.net/
Extreme Structures integrated rigging point truss - https://www.xsftruss.com/rigging-truss-integrated-rig-point-product/
omcat Light Duty 12 x 12 Ultimate Hinge- https://www.tomcatglobal.com/products/box-struss/light-duty-truss-12-x-12-plated/corners/light-duty-12-x-12-ultimate-hinge
New World Rigging Symposium - https://www.usitt.org/nwrs
Want to joint the ESTA Technical Standards Program? Click here - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/working_groups/index.html
Support the ESTA Technical Standards Program and learn something all at the same time! Sign up for CM online training through this link https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/about/cmco.html and 100% of your fee goes to support the TSP!
Stage Rigging Inc. VP and General Manager Chris Schmidt joins us today and discusses how he started working for Rocky Paulson’s company when he was in high school, his view on what we need to do better within the entertainment rigging industry, some fun rigging overseas, a little financial advice, and of course his best/worst rigger joke. Oh, and don’t forget, TAKE A ROPE!
Stage Rigging Inc. website - http://www.stage-rigging.net/
Extreme Structures integrated rigging point truss - https://www.xsftruss.com/rigging-truss-integrated-rig-point-product/
omcat Light Duty 12 x 12 Ultimate Hinge- https://www.tomcatglobal.com/products/box-struss/light-duty-truss-12-x-12-plated/corners/light-duty-12-x-12-ultimate-hinge
New World Rigging Symposium - https://www.usitt.org/nwrs
Want to joint the ESTA Technical Standards Program? Click here - https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/working_groups/index.html
Support the ESTA Technical Standards Program and learn something all at the same time! Sign up for CM online training through this link https://tsp.esta.org/tsp/about/cmco.html and 100% of your fee goes to support the TSP!

Episode 13 – Adrian Forbes Black
VP of Sales & Marketing for Area Four Industries America Inc. and TOMCAT/James Thomas Engineering, Adrian Forbes Black joins us to talk about his journey within the entertainment Rigging industry, from his start as a tech for the Lighting and Sound Design (LSD) ICON moving light, to being the European sales Manager for Columbus McKinnon (CM), to his current role in the truss manufacturing side of our business, we cover it all. And if you have ever wondered about the history of aluminum truss, we’ve got you covered.
Area Four Industries America Inc. - https://www.areafourindustries.com/
1997 Article about Light & Sound Design (LSD) - https://www.livedesignonline.com/rock-and-roll-and-beyond-celebrating-renewed-pride-ownership-light-sound-design-looks-to-future
Spun Aluminum - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OZ95yOTL5s
Pre-rigged truss - https://images.reverb.com/image/upload/s--dWVQazLG--/f_auto,t_large/v1542166888/innuymo7842tehq52gcd.jpg
VP of Sales & Marketing for Area Four Industries America Inc. and TOMCAT/James Thomas Engineering, Adrian Forbes Black joins us to talk about his journey within the entertainment Rigging industry, from his start as a tech for the Lighting and Sound Design (LSD) ICON moving light, to being the European sales Manager for Columbus McKinnon (CM), to his current role in the truss manufacturing side of our business, we cover it all. And if you have ever wondered about the history of aluminum truss, we’ve got you covered.
Area Four Industries America Inc. - https://www.areafourindustries.com/
1997 Article about Light & Sound Design (LSD) - https://www.livedesignonline.com/rock-and-roll-and-beyond-celebrating-renewed-pride-ownership-light-sound-design-looks-to-future
Spun Aluminum - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OZ95yOTL5s
Pre-rigged truss - https://images.reverb.com/image/upload/s--dWVQazLG--/f_auto,t_large/v1542166888/innuymo7842tehq52gcd.jpg

Episode 12 – Jeff Reder
Engineer - “Someone who does precision guess work based on unreliable data provided by those with questionable knowledge. “
This week’s guest is none other than Jeff Reder of Clark Reder Engineering Inc. based in West Chester OH. We discuss how Jeff became an engineer, how he and his partner Daniel Clark founded Clark Redder engineering, as well as the relationship between riggers and engineers. We also spend some time “in the weeds” talking about indeterminate structures.
Clark Reder Website - https://clarkreder.com/
The Beer list - https://clarkreder.com/entertainment/about-us/clark-reder-beer-seasons
The Youtube video of Shock loads and Dynamic loads - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOFhqxdemps&t=17s
The drawing of broken truss sent to Jeff - http://files.entertainmentriggingsessions.co m/Podcasts/Episode12-Engineerchickenscratch.PNG
Engineer - “Someone who does precision guess work based on unreliable data provided by those with questionable knowledge. “
This week’s guest is none other than Jeff Reder of Clark Reder Engineering Inc. based in West Chester OH. We discuss how Jeff became an engineer, how he and his partner Daniel Clark founded Clark Redder engineering, as well as the relationship between riggers and engineers. We also spend some time “in the weeds” talking about indeterminate structures.
Clark Reder Website - https://clarkreder.com/
The Beer list - https://clarkreder.com/entertainment/about-us/clark-reder-beer-seasons
The Youtube video of Shock loads and Dynamic loads - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOFhqxdemps&t=17s
The drawing of broken truss sent to Jeff - http://files.entertainmentriggingsessions.co m/Podcasts/Episode12-Engineerchickenscratch.PNG

Episode 11 - Jerry Ritter
Head tour rigger Jerry Ritter joins us to talk about his experience on the road with acts like Bruno Mars, BTS, Eric Clapton and others. He shares with us how he got into the entertainment rigging industry, what a typical daily schedule was like, and other little tidbits about his role as a head rigger on tour
Head tour rigger Jerry Ritter joins us to talk about his experience on the road with acts like Bruno Mars, BTS, Eric Clapton and others. He shares with us how he got into the entertainment rigging industry, what a typical daily schedule was like, and other little tidbits about his role as a head rigger on tour

Episode 10 - Lori Rubinstein
Although not strictly rigging, todays guest is someone who every rigger should know. Lori Rubinstein is the Executive Director of the Behind the Scenes Foundation and was the Executive Director of the Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA) for almost 30 years until her retirement in 2018. In this episode we discuss the services that the foundation provide to entertainment technology technicians (including riggers) who might find themselves in need of assistance when facing challenging times. From financial aid for those who are seriously ill or injured, to mental health support, Lori shares with us all the benefits of the BTS foundation. The information in this episode is as important to the safety of the people in our industry as any other factoid you’ve learned in previous episodes.
Behind The Scenes Foundation: http://www.BTShelp.org
Neil Preston items for sale to support BTS: https://wp.behindthescenescharity.org/product-category/neal-preston-books-and-posters/
Although not strictly rigging, todays guest is someone who every rigger should know. Lori Rubinstein is the Executive Director of the Behind the Scenes Foundation and was the Executive Director of the Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA) for almost 30 years until her retirement in 2018. In this episode we discuss the services that the foundation provide to entertainment technology technicians (including riggers) who might find themselves in need of assistance when facing challenging times. From financial aid for those who are seriously ill or injured, to mental health support, Lori shares with us all the benefits of the BTS foundation. The information in this episode is as important to the safety of the people in our industry as any other factoid you’ve learned in previous episodes.
Behind The Scenes Foundation: http://www.BTShelp.org
Neil Preston items for sale to support BTS: https://wp.behindthescenescharity.org/product-category/neal-preston-books-and-posters/

Episode 09 - Jim Shumway
Author, rigger, educator, & Senior Project Manager at TAIT Towers Jim Shumway joins us to discuss his journey in entertainment rigging which includes working for Cirque du Soleil in China and then eventually ending up at Tait Towers where his specializes in performer flying. We also discuss design factors of materials, risk assessment and risk reduction, and over representing oneself. And there may be one or two mentions of his book.
Jim’s book -Automated Performing Flying - lhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/081535214X/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Rock Lititz Studio grid capacity is 500 Tons. https://rocklititz.com/
Three Sigma - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/68%E2%80%9395%E2%80%9399.7_rule
(I misspoke while recording and mentioned “95% confidence that 95.5% of the widgets would break at above the calculated force” was from Three Sigma. It’s actually from the Aluminum design manual. But the general concept with three sigma is the same, it statistics. As they say, “lies, damn lies, and statistics!”)
The online webinars with Jim as a guest can be found - https://www.facebook.com/entprojects/
Tait’s Bar Block - https://barblocks.com/
Kong Frog - https://www.kong.it/en/2-products/items/f1-carabiners/p98-frog-cable
Author, rigger, educator, & Senior Project Manager at TAIT Towers Jim Shumway joins us to discuss his journey in entertainment rigging which includes working for Cirque du Soleil in China and then eventually ending up at Tait Towers where his specializes in performer flying. We also discuss design factors of materials, risk assessment and risk reduction, and over representing oneself. And there may be one or two mentions of his book.
Jim’s book -Automated Performing Flying - lhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/081535214X/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Rock Lititz Studio grid capacity is 500 Tons. https://rocklititz.com/
Three Sigma - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/68%E2%80%9395%E2%80%9399.7_rule
(I misspoke while recording and mentioned “95% confidence that 95.5% of the widgets would break at above the calculated force” was from Three Sigma. It’s actually from the Aluminum design manual. But the general concept with three sigma is the same, it statistics. As they say, “lies, damn lies, and statistics!”)
The online webinars with Jim as a guest can be found - https://www.facebook.com/entprojects/
Tait’s Bar Block - https://barblocks.com/
Kong Frog - https://www.kong.it/en/2-products/items/f1-carabiners/p98-frog-cable

Episode 08 - Ed Leahy & Eric Rouse
Training, Training, Training. For the first time we are joined by TWO guests. Ed Leahy of Chicago Flyhouse and Eric Rouse of Entertainment Project Services talk about the importance of rigging training, how training has changed since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and how they adapted their teaching styles for online education. We also discuss what we think makes a good trainer and why you should take classes from a variety of trainers.
Training, Training, Training. For the first time we are joined by TWO guests. Ed Leahy of Chicago Flyhouse and Eric Rouse of Entertainment Project Services talk about the importance of rigging training, how training has changed since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and how they adapted their teaching styles for online education. We also discuss what we think makes a good trainer and why you should take classes from a variety of trainers.

Episode 07 - Bill Sapsis
The Man, The Myth, The Legend, Bill "Uncle Bill" Sapsis joins us this week to talk about how he started in the industry, founding Sapsis Rigging, and his involvement in developing the ETCP rigging exams. And of course there are a few of his legendary stories.
http://www.sapsis-rigging.com/ http://lrlr.org/ https://wp.behindthescenescharity.org/
Bill and Eddie Raymond in T-rex costumes - http://newsletters.usitt.org/did-you-see-the-expo-floor-dinosaurs/
The ICOPER document can be found at https://esta.org/ESTA/icoper.php
Sapsis rigging hangs internationally acclaimed Chinese artist Xu Bing's Phonex sculpture - http://www.lightingandsoundamerica.com/news/story.asp?ID=-95UVKB
The Man, The Myth, The Legend, Bill "Uncle Bill" Sapsis joins us this week to talk about how he started in the industry, founding Sapsis Rigging, and his involvement in developing the ETCP rigging exams. And of course there are a few of his legendary stories.
http://www.sapsis-rigging.com/ http://lrlr.org/ https://wp.behindthescenescharity.org/
Bill and Eddie Raymond in T-rex costumes - http://newsletters.usitt.org/did-you-see-the-expo-floor-dinosaurs/
The ICOPER document can be found at https://esta.org/ESTA/icoper.php
Sapsis rigging hangs internationally acclaimed Chinese artist Xu Bing's Phonex sculpture - http://www.lightingandsoundamerica.com/news/story.asp?ID=-95UVKB

Episode 06 - Siobhan Gee.
This week we are joined by Siobhan Gee who shares with us her entertainment rigging origin story and how a mentorship turned into an abusive friendship, its affect on her mental health, and how she prevailed. We also discuss her prolonged harness suspension (aka suspension trauma) research, and some of the diverging opinions on appropriate action to take after the rescue.
Siobhan's video on Prolonged Harness Suspension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnh61OjHHoA
Date that cages will no longer meet OSHA law: November 18, 2036
This week we are joined by Siobhan Gee who shares with us her entertainment rigging origin story and how a mentorship turned into an abusive friendship, its affect on her mental health, and how she prevailed. We also discuss her prolonged harness suspension (aka suspension trauma) research, and some of the diverging opinions on appropriate action to take after the rescue.
Siobhan's video on Prolonged Harness Suspension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnh61OjHHoA
Date that cages will no longer meet OSHA law: November 18, 2036

Episode 05 - Gareth Connor.
This weeks episode we dive, (or is it move?) into the world of automation with Gareth Connor, President of Creative Connors, Inc. We discuss the differences between traditional rigging and automation, how it's implemented, and how and when it can be a useful tool.
This weeks episode we dive, (or is it move?) into the world of automation with Gareth Connor, President of Creative Connors, Inc. We discuss the differences between traditional rigging and automation, how it's implemented, and how and when it can be a useful tool.

Episode 04 - ETCP with Meredith Moseley-Bennet.
This episode we’re joined by Meredith Moseley-Bennet, the Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) manager. We talk about all things ETCP, from how to qualify and apply for the exams, to how the tests are created. This episode is jammed packed with great information about the ETCP. And we even have a HUGE announcement about the exams.
This episode we’re joined by Meredith Moseley-Bennet, the Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) manager. We talk about all things ETCP, from how to qualify and apply for the exams, to how the tests are created. This episode is jammed packed with great information about the ETCP. And we even have a HUGE announcement about the exams.

Episode 03 - Phil Van Hest from Bigger Hammer Productions joins us this episode to discuss his role as the rigging and safety supervisor for a labor company.

Episode 02 - Today's guest is Ben Brian from Reed Rigging in Chicago. We talk about how he went from a product photographer to entertainment rigger to a principle partner of a large rigging company. We also discuss the importance of training, the ETCP certification program, and the Event Safety Alliance.

Episode 01 - In this podcast we talk with Yanna Kiriacopoulos about how she got into rigging, the challenges of doing so as a woman, and what others can learn from her experience.
The Bag Yanna just got as one of her favorite tools - https://www.klimwinkel.nl/courant-cross-pro.html
Entertainment Rigging by Harry Donovan - https://www.amazon.com/Entertainment-Rigging-Practical-Harry-Donovan/dp/097233811X
Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century by Bill Sapsis - https://www.amazon.com/Entertainment-Rigging-21st-Century-Compilation/dp/0415702747
The Bag Yanna just got as one of her favorite tools - https://www.klimwinkel.nl/courant-cross-pro.html
Entertainment Rigging by Harry Donovan - https://www.amazon.com/Entertainment-Rigging-Practical-Harry-Donovan/dp/097233811X
Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century by Bill Sapsis - https://www.amazon.com/Entertainment-Rigging-21st-Century-Compilation/dp/0415702747

Episode 00 - An introduction to Shackles, Burlap, & Lies. Click on the artwork to the left to listen.